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Virginia Theological Seminary
Alexandria, Virginia
Opus 70, 2015

Great Swell Pedal
16' Double Open Diapason  8' Principal  16 Open Diapason (Gt)
8' Open Diapason  8' Lieblich Gedackt 16 Sub Bass
8' Spire Flute 8' Viol da Gamba 10 2/3' Quint Bass
8' Salicional 8' Vox Cœlestis  tc 8' Principal
4' Principal 4' Octave 8' Spire Flute (Gt)
4' Harmonic Flute 4' Salicet 4' Fifteenth
2 2/3' Twelfth 4' Rohr Flute 16' Trombone (poplar)
2' Fifteenth 2 2/3' Quint Flute 8' Trumpet (Gt)
V Cornet (tenor g) 2' Gemshorn
IV-VI Mixture II Sesquialtera
8' Trumpet III-IV Mixture 
8' Clarionet 16' Fagott
8' Trumpet
8' Oboe
Couplers:  SW/GT, GT/PD, SW/PD
Metal pipes of hammered lead-tin alloys
Natural keys of polished cow bone
Sharps and stop knobs of ebony
Case and pipe shades of solid white oak
Mechanical key action, electric stop and combination action
Mechanical swell pedal
Manual compass: C-a''', 58 notes
Pedal compass: C-g', 32 notes
Temperament: Grace Church
Pitch: a' = 440
Stops: 34
Wind Stabilizer
Pedal borrowed stops alternate with Great
8 Hewitt Road, Staunton, Virginia, USA
Phone 540.886.3583
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